Archive for the ‘Review essay’ Category

Fontcuberta, Joan. Landscapes without Memory (New York: Aperture Foundation, 2005) 4-7 Batchen, Geoffrey. ‘Photography by the Numbers’ Landscapes without Memory (New York: Aperture Foundation, 2005) 9-13 p.9 [referring to Joan Fontcuberta new landscape images and the first pictures sent from the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon] Worlds apart, the two pictures nevertheless share a common conceptual infrastructure. […]

Rice, Shelley., ‘Archive Fever & Barbara Bloom’, Aperture, 192 (Fall 2008), 10-11 p.10 [Rice asks] ‘Why the current fetish for archives?’ [Rice] ‘began to see what our new digital, archival practice is: a never-ending stream of information, rarely coalescing into meaning.’ ‘Why has archive fever resurfaced today? Perhaps because globalization, economic and political changes, new […]

Andy Grundberg ‘The Art of the American Snapshot’, Aperture, 190 (Spring 2008), 10–11 [On snapshots:] ‘Once ripped from their family-album contexts they are on the whole anonymous, banal, repetitive, trite.’ ‘So much for progressivism: the snapshot was born beautiful […] only to grow into a hyperactive but physically unremarkable adulthood. Perhaps it was the mass-media’s […]